Current Supporters


Jason, Erin, Ava & Michael Adamany

Anonymous in memory of Helen Louden

Anonymous  in memory of Irv Saposnik

Anonymous in memory of Reid Gilbert

Bergstrom Automotive

Rabbi Jonathan Biatch in honor of Diane Endres Ballweg

Robert and Kathy Block-Brown

Cassandra Book

Margaret Both

Ginger Buehner in honor of Dan Sinclair

Martha Casey

Carol Cohen

Karen Dreyfuss

Kate Ewings

Ben Falk

Michael Ross & Kirsten Fruit

Genesis Inspiration Foundation

Mary Goddeeris

Simon Goldberg

Heather Good

Andrew Hall in honor of Margie Devereaux

Lynn and Chad Hembel in honor of Kris Rasmussen and Elizabeth Odders-White

Peter and Mariana Hewson

Christine B. Hill

Tom Kurtz in memory of Kevin Kurtz

Eileen McGlynn and Bill Scanlon in memory of Brendan McGlynn SOLVE Scanlon

Rick and Jo Morgan

Braylon Mitchell

Nick & Judith Topitzes Foundation in honor of Judith Topitzes

Ovation TV

Bill and Kathleen Owens

Jeanne Parus

John Pray

Audrey Prins

Tenny Sinclair

Nicole Sparacino

Mary Stoffel and Rich Novotny in honor of MYArts Staff and Board

The People Company Consulting Group/Deborah Biddle in honor of Christian Nicole Biddle

Sheila and John Young, in honor of Dana Asmuth

In Kind Support

Don’s Home Furniture

Farley’s House of Pianos

Nancy’s Notions

SubZero – Wolf


Capital Campaign Supporters

This list reflects donations and pledges to our capital campaign received between October 1, 2018 and April 30, 2022. We regret any errors or omissions–please contact us with your corrections. Donors are listed alphabetically; gifts made in memory or in honor of are listed at the bottom of the page.

* denotes in-kind donation

Lead Donors

Pleasant T. Rowland
W. Jerome Frautschi
Diane Ballweg
Evjue Foundation
Madison Community Foundation


Edward and Helen Adams
Chet Agni
William and Jane Albert
Tamara Albrecht
Alexander-Young family
Asya Alexandrovich and Maxim Vavilov
Melia Allan
Christine M. Anders
Jim and Elizabeth Anderson
Brian and Rozan Anderson
Anderson-Conlon Family
Deb Archer
Richard B. Arnesen
Art & Sons*
Dana and Todd Asmuth
Alexandra Asmuth
Abigail Asmuth
Anton Asmuth
Gregg A. Auby
Audio for the Arts*
Linda Baldwin O’Hern and Vince O’Hern
Jane Bartell and John W. Thompson
Jeff and Angela Bartell
Charles T. Bauer and Charles E. Beckwith
Kristin Bayer and Alan Price
John Beck
Holly Beehn
Rachel and Daniel Bennett
Greg and Pam Bell
Bergstrom Corporation
Andrea Bien
Jack and Marian Bolz
Jeana Bormett
The Bradbury Family
Marcia Bradley
Jean Brew
Edward and Susan Brinson
Ellen L. Brothers
Andrew and Anna Burish
Susanne Burwell
Eliot Butler
Courtney Byelich and David Cober
Joy Cardin
Julian Carroll
Martha and Charles Casey
Dick and Jane Caslow
Rafael Colon Castanera
Gloria Cavil
Celebrations Entertainment*
CG Schmidt*
David Chaimson and Audra E. Hoy Chaimson
Jennifer and Martin Chiaverini
Michael Chiaverini
Nick Chiaverini
Cummings Christensen Family Foundation
Lau and Bea Christensen
Kaylene Christnovich
Marilyn and Jim Clayton
Carol A. Cohen
Bradford Colbert
Jane Taylor Coleman
Guy Comer
The Comer Family Foundation
The Community Foundation for the Greater Capitol Region
Susan C. Cook and Roger P. Pierson, Jr.
Corner Stone Construction of Janesville, Inc.
Louise Coumbe
Courtier Foundation, Inc.
Dennis Courtier and Julia Stewart
Jessica, Kate, and Ione Courtier-Hewson
Brian Cowing
John D. Crain
Cresa Cares, Inc.
Donita Croft
Laura Crow
The Leola Culver Family Foundation
Nancy and Peter Daly
Janet and David Daniel
Sally and Jim Davis
Sherry de Alvarez
DeCroix Sisters
Denise Taylor Piano Studio
Rahel Desalegne and Dr. Girma Tefera
Joel and Jean DeVore
Eleanor Dillenburg
Joseph and Eve Dorman
Alexandra and William Dove
Reese H. Dowd
Jim and Jessica Doyle
Dennis Dresang
Lee Dresang and Kari Bloedel
Sally Drew
Sarah Dunn
Allen, Karen, Greysen and Camden Ebert
Stephanie and Roy Elkins
Endres Manufacturing Company Foundation
Elizabeth Engle
Julian Engle
Sarah Engle
Bob Erb and Wendy Weiler Erb
Daniel and Natalie Erdman
The Everitt Family
Samuel Factor
Kathleen Falk and Peter Bock
Tim and Renee Farley
Farley’s House of Pianos*
Laurie and Steven Fellenz
Cecilia Ford & Donna Dalos
Madison Top Company / Aaron & Dawn Frank Family
Bridget and Donald Fraser
John J. Frautschi Family Foundation
Matthew Friedlander and Kathleen Fish
Bill Fritsch / Harper Fritsch*
Fran and Ken Fruit
Brandi Funk and Jeff Campbell
Parnassus Funk
Barbara J. Furstenberg
John Gadow
Garcia-Dove Family
Sharyn Gardill
Trevin Gay and Scott Burfield
Frank R. Gaylord
Otto C. Gebhardt, III
Lona L. George
Sara Giacalone
Deborah Gilpin
Tessa Ginsberg
Andrew Ginsburg
Nicholas Glass and Mary Jo Baumann
The Glazer Family
Enid and Tryone Glenn
Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
Delores and Paul Gohdes
Haben Goitom
Janice Golay
Max Goldberg
Amie T. Goldman
Sue Goldwomon and Arlene Zaucha
The Great Dane
Susan Griffith
Tom and Jeri Grogg
Linda and Bob Growney
Emily Gruenewald
Terry Haller
Kathleen Harker
Shawn Harris
Susan Harris
Jane Hasselkus
Tina Hatch
Thomas and Mary Beth Haunty
Brian S. Hawkins
Chip and Kristen Hayner
Lynn and Chad Hembel
Matt Hembel / Matt’s Piano Moving*
Kathleen Hempel*
Kevin Henkes and Laura Dronzek
Simon Henriques
Ronnie L. Hess
Noah Holland
Dianne and Dale Hopkins
N. Hoq
Karen Horns
Judith A. Houck and Lisa Saywell
Kirsten and Larry Houghton
Mike Huffman / Huffman Facility Development*
Kelly Hughes
Ideal Crane Rental, Inc.
Isthmus Partners, LLC
Isthmus Vocal Ensemble
Susan M. Jackan
Heather Jacobson
Antonio Jacobson
Dominic Jacobson
Thomas D. James
Eric Janus
Holly and Jay Jensen
Margaret K. Jensen
Richard E. Jensen
Gwen and Kenn JeSchonek
Tara Johnson
Wendy Jones Hill
Dan Jonovic and Evan Heath
The Julian Family
Rita Kades
Shirley Jane Kaub Trust
Dale Kaufman
Valerie and Andreas Kazamias
Craig Kettleson
Melissa A. Keyes
Howard Kidd and Margaret Murphy
The Kinney Family
Dr. Benjamin Kleiber and Shannon Henry Kleiber
Arianne and Steve Kluesner
Lauryn Kluetzman
Teagan Kluetzman
Elizabeth Klusinske
Mary Knapp
Peter Knapp
Nancy Knudsen
David and Elizabeth Koehler
Jonathon Kohler
Mary and Scott Kolar
James and Julia Koza
Lois Krantz
Ron and Deborah Krantz
Gerald Krause
Carolyn J. Kruse
Clay Kruse
Katherine Kruse
Michelle and Jason Kruse
Virginia Moore Kruse
Jerome and Joan Kuypers Family Fund
Lands’ End
Jacob Larget
Scott and Kathleen Larimer
Theresa V. Larkin
Paul O. Larson
James and Jennifer Lattis
Jim, Jen, Tony, and Mitch Lattis
The Kenneth A. Lattman Foundation
Barbara Lauderdale
Lawler Family
David Lawver
Lee and Dr. Mona Lazar
Jeanne M. Parus
Michael and Phyllis Leckrone
Jun and Sandra Lee
Vibeke Lehmann
Kathryn and James Leide
Sam and Gina LeMense
Richard and Christina Lemon
Richard A. Lemon
Dale and Barbara Lenz
Simon Levy
Brian Lindow
Ted and Kathy Losby
Peter and Jill Lundberg
Dan Lyons
Jen Lyons
Board and Staff of Madison Children’s Museum
Jill Maidenberg
Katie Dowling-Marcus and Dr. Ben Marcus
Marriott Daughters Foundation
Milo and Denise Martin
Myron and Lois Martin
Beverly Maser
James Matras
Matthews Charitable Fund
Teague Mawer
Mike and Kris McArdle
Kate McCormick
Jennifer and Jeff McFarland
Eileen A. McGlynn and William J. Scanlon
McGrath Property Group, LLC
Laura and Andrew McGuire
Rod and Paula McKenzie
Laura McMillan
John J. McSherry
Gary and Lynn Mecklenburg
Matthew and Dawn Meier
MGE Foundation
Midvale Heights Community Association, Ltd.
Kelly Miess and Susan Morrison
MIG Commercial Real Estate, LLC
Sawyer Mirus
Nicholas and Elaine Mischler
Makeda Mitchell
Renee D. Moe and Jason E. Salus
Nancy Mohs
Cam Moll
Monona Plumbing & Fire Protection, Inc.
Jerry Montie
Amy Montoya
Jennifer Moore
Rick and Jo Morgan
Stefanie Moritz and Vince Jenkins
The Morrison-Miess Family
Brian and Amanda Mullen
Network for Good
David Newby and Kathleen McElroy
Rachel Niles
Eva Nimmer
Barbara Noeldner
Timothy and Colleen O’Meara
Ken O’Neill and Joan Lerman
Elizabeth Odders-White and Matthew Clayton
Ervin and Elizabeth Oelkers
Casey and Eric Oelkers
Amy Oetzel
Cheryl and Bruce Olsen
Janice and Ron Opelt
Kathleen H. Otterson
Bill and Kathleen Owens
Bill Owens
Debra and Michael Palm
Matthew and Ann Palm
Nicholas S. Palm
Beatrix Pauli
Lisa A. Paulson
David Pausch and Karen Saari
PEO Sisterhood Chapter BL
PEO Chapter V
Reynold V. Peterson
Sylvia K. and Harry L. Peterson
Bob Fruit and Kathleen Plunkett
Patricia A. Prime
Dan Prueher
Anne Pryor and Steven Ackerman
The Pyle Foundation
Mary Raether
Carolyn and Peter Rank
Dan & Patti Rashke (TASC) Family Foundation
David and Mary Rasmussen and Family, with gratitude for the gift of music in our lives.
Rathgeber Family
Blaine and Kim Renfert
The Oscar Rennebohm Foundation
ResTech Services*
Kathleen Ricci
Joan and Ken Riggs
Jocelyn Riley
Estate of Matilda W. Ripley
Heather Robbins
Katie Roberson-Young
Liza Roberson-Young
Joel Roberts
David and Joan Robertson
James and Jane Roeber
Robert Rogers and Janet Goin
Jim and Carol Ross
Michael Ross and Kirsten Fruit
Beth Ryan
Sarah and Jack Salzwedel*
Scallon Kleinschmidt Family
Damon & Lorie Scarborough
Carla and Mark Schmidt
David Schmiedicke
Dan and Patty Schultz
Joe and Mary Ellyn Sensenbrenner
David and Margaret Sharpe
Lynda Sharpe
Tenzin Sherab
Red Sheridan
Roseann Sheridan
Chopper Sheskey
Joey Sheskey
Schlecht Family Foundation
Patty Sigler
Toni Sikes
The Sinclair Family
Terri Sippl
Judy Skog
Smart Motors
Diane Smet
Janine Smiley
Heather and Zeke Smith
Lori Smith
Stuart and Beverly Smith
Gail Snowden and John Young
Mary Lang and Hans Sollinger
Omeed Soltaninassab
Bob and Lisa Sorge
Joan Sparks
Jenna Grossman Spiers
SPL Legacy Foundation
Kim and Mark Sponem
Kim M. Sponem
Brenda Spychalla
Donita St. Marie
Donald and Annette Stannard
Stark Livingston Giving Fund
Chuck and Denise Steinhauer
Mark and Jeri Stenhouse
Pamela Hanson-Stewart and Walter R. Stewart
Mary Stoffel and Rich Novotney
Jody Stolldorf
Stone House Development*
Stuesser Cornwell Family
Summit Credit Union
Suzuki Strings of Madison
Susan R. Sweeney
Randal A. Swiggum
Myron and Margaret Talcott
Kelly Tauschek-Hill
The Tauscher Family Foundation
Molly Taves
Martha A. Taylor and Gary L. Antoniewicz
Ellie Taylor
Sam Taylor
Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association
Terry Family Foundation
Erica Berman and Henry Thompson
Shelley Thron
Nick and Judith Topitzes Family Foundation
John and Carol Toussaint*
Robert and Dorothy Troller Fund
Robert and Anne Trunzo Family
Don and Nancy Loving Tubesing
Don and Nancy Loving Tubesing
Elizabeth Tucci
The Turner Family
Elliot Valentine and Katelyn French
Bruce Van de Velde
Shelly and John Van Note*
Variations Dance Studio
Barbara Burnett Vater
The Verban Family
Michael Verban
Lee and Mary Waldhart
Katie and Ellis Waller
Patrick, Melissa, James, Lainee, and Sam Walsh
David G. and Nancy B. Walsh Family Foundation
The Waner Sisters
Joan E. Warden
Michelle N. Watkins
Wendy J. Weber
Kenneth and Jane Weiler
Mark and Liz Weller
Kristine A. Wendt
Rachel and Phoebe Werner
Mariamne Whatley
Amanda White
Ethan White
Kelly Harms and Family
Bruce and Carol Winkler
Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras
Ethan Witkovsky
Kathleen Woit, Ph.D
Derej Wong
Sally Wood
Woodman’s Food Markets
Nancy A. Worcester
Paul and Tracy Wrycha
Kelsey Yudice
Ruth and Allen Zacharias Fund

In Memory of Lois Jarvis

Greg and Pam Bell
Jean Brew
Joy Cardin
Dick and Jane Caslow
N. Hoq
Susan M. Jackan
Dale Kaufman
Elizabeth Klusinske
Nancy Knudsen
Scott and Kathleen Larimer
Paul and Dianne Larson
Ted and Kathy Losby
Barbara T. Lulack
Midvale Heights Community Association, Ltd.
Barbara Noeldner
Janice and Ron Opelt
Mary Raether
Jocelyn Riley
Sabljak, Raether, Hogerton LLC
Judy Skog
Diane Smet
Brenda Spychalla
Molly Taves
Wendy J. Weber
Anna Williams-Juarez

In Memory of Kevin Kurtz

Lori Beth Chalecki
Susan and Michael Chandler
Laura Crow
Thomas Kurtz
Robert and Joan Miller
Jim Neuman
Kari Walther

In Memory of John Kruse

Edward and Helen Adams
Christine M. Anders
Crystel Anders
Kristin Bayer and Alan Price
Andrea Bien
Edward and Susan Brinson
Susanne Burwell
Lowene Campbell
Gloria Cavil
Bradford Colbert
Louise Coumbe
John D. Crain
Janet and David Daniel
Sally and Jim Davis
Joel and Jean DeVore
Lee Dresang and Kari Bloedel
Sally Drew
Sharyn Gardill
Frank R. Gaylord
Nicholas Glass and Mary Jo Baumann
Janice Golay
Susan Griffith
Jane Hasselkus
Kevin Henkes and Laura Dronzek
Ronnie L. Hess
Dianne and Dale Hopkins
Judith A. Houck and Lisa Saywell
Kelly Hughes
Isthmus Vocal Ensemble
Eric Janus
Margaret K. Jensen
Richard E. Jensen
Rita Kades
Melissa A. Keyes
Peter Knapp
Gerald Krause
Ann Kruse
Carolyn J. Kruse
Katherine Kruse
Virginia Moore Kruse
Barbara Lauderdale
Vibeke Lehmann
Kathryn and James Leide
Dale and Barbara Lenz
Jill Maidenberg
Beverly Maser
Rod and Paula McKenzie
Jerry Montie
Jennifer Moore
Ervin and Elizabeth Oelke
Cheryl and Bruce Olsen
Sylvia K. and Harry L. Peterson
Anne Pryor and Steven Ackerman
Joan and Ken Riggs
David and Joan Robertson
Robert Rogers and Janet Goin
David and Margaret Sharpe
Stuart and Beverly Smith
The Sparks Family
Donald and Annette Stannard
Myron and Margaret Talcott
Shelley Thron
Joan E. Warden
Kristine A. Wendt
Mariamne Whatley
Nancy A. Worcester

In Tribute

Robin A. Bechhofer in honor of Roseann Sheridan
Cheryl and Paul Bensman-Rowe in honor of Mike Ross and the Madison Youth Choirs
Anonymous in honor of Luke & Lori Bocher
Nansi Colley in honor of Roseann Sheridan
Mike and Susan Collins in honor of Ethan and Isabel White
Brad, Joanie and Brody Crump in honor of Bruno Crump
Bruno Crump in honor of Margaret, Randy & Mike
Betty and Corkey Custer in honor of Roseann Sheridan
Patricia Finn in memory of Judy Finn
Cecelia Ford and Donna Dallos in honor of Roseann Sheridan
Mari Gasiorowicz in honor of Roseann Sheridan
Roberta A. Gassman and Lester A. Pines in honor of our daughters, Anna Gassman-Pines & Jenny Gassman-Pines
Gellman Family Foundation in honor of Mike Ross, Margaret Jenks, and Randy Swiggum
Evan and Evan Gnam in honor of Ethan and Isabel White
Mary T. Grace in memory of Elaine G. Lasecki
Dr. Robert and Linda Graebner in honor of Diane Endres Ballweg
Rachel H. Greenberg in memory of James H. Ott
Terry L. Haller in honor of Roseann Sheridan
Andrew and Anne Hanson in honor of Ethan and Isabel White
Brenda Haskins in honor of Roseann Sheridan
N. Hoq in loving memory of two very dear friends – Theresa & Lois
Angela D. Huber in honor of Roseann Sheridan
Bradley Hutter and MIG Commercial Legacy Foundation in honor of Lauren & Grace Hutter
J. Jacobs in honor of Ethan and Isabel White
Andrew Johnson and Margaret Jenks in honor of Randy Swiggum
The Moe Family in memory of Riyad Edward Moe
Anonymous in memory of Trina Tinglum
Thomas G. Kurtz in memory of Kevin Kurtz
Kippy and Sylvan Leabman in honor of Mike Ross
Madison Cello Ensemble in honor of Callan M. Bird Bear from the Madison Cello Ensemble and the Callan Bird Bear Memorial Fund
Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps in memory of Lewis H. Kessler and Clarence H. Beebe
Norma and Doug Madsen in honor of Pleasant Rowland
Jason Mann in honor of Art & Sons
Eva Marley in honor of Mary Stoffel
Mona Nelson in honor of Roseann Sheridan
Elizabeth Odders-White and Matthew Clayton in honor of Ethan and Isabel White
Vanessa Ott in memory of James H. Ott
Matthew Overkamp in honor of Ellie Overkamp
The Richards Family in honor of Sophia Richards
Orange and Dean Schroeder in memory of Ann Ehrlich
Christine A. Shanahan in memory of David Patrick Shanahan
Lynda Sharpe in honor of Roseann Sheridan
Toni Sikes in memory of Bill Kraus
Jeffrey Staver in honor of Ethan Staver
The Steffes Family in honor of Ethan and Isabel White
Kelley Van Egeren in honor of Diane Ballweg
The Verban Family in honor of Michael
Louis Wenzlow in honor of Roseann Sheridan
Carolyn White in memory of Ron White
Kenneth Woolley in honor of Ethan and Isabel White