Welcoming Omulu Capoeira
Classes for kids and adults
August 2023
We caught up with Faith Hoenecke, Kelly Schumann, and Eric Wallin of Omulu Capoiera to tell us about the newest group rehearsing regularly at MYArts, Omulu Capoiera. Check out our interview below!
Tell us about the origins of Omulu Capoeira, what is Capoeira in general?
Capoeira is a 500-year Afro-Brazilian Martial Art that combines elements of self-defense, dance, and acrobatic movements with the pulsating rhythm of traditional live music. It has its roots in the slavery days of Brazil, when millions of Africans were brought from their homeland to Brazil to work by force, kept in slave camps called “Senzalas.” It was here that Capoeira was born and became an important tool in the enslaved people’s fight for survival and ultimately, their freedom.
After slavery was abolished these capoeiristas, mostly of African and indigenous Brazilian descent, were persecuted as outlaws, and the practice of Capoeira remained a punishable crime until 1940 when it finally ceased to be an illegal practice. At this time, it began to lift itself from the depths of social bias and racial prejudice that it had suffered from its inception.
Capoeira throughout history has endured, evolved, and prevailed, quickly being discovered and embraced as a unique art form and important cultural legacy of Brazil and its people. On July 17th, 2014, Capoeira was recognized as a UNESCO Cultural Heritage of Brazil. It continues to spread around the world and is enjoyed by millions of practitioners of diverse cultural and social backgrounds that see it either as a hobby or as a way of life that continues to liberate today.
The international Omulu Capoeira organization and its network of groups is overseen by Mestre Preguiça, a student of Mestre Bimba, the founder of modern day capoeira regional in Salvador de Bahía, Brasil. The Madison chapter of Omulu Capoeira began in 1986 and is led by Monitora Guerreira (Kelly Schumann) with the help of the Board of Directors. Classes are taught by Monitora Guerreira, Monitora Bruxa (Faith Hoenecke), and Graduado Tall Dude with Glasses (Eric Wallin).
The mission of Omulu Capoeira Group is to promote the art of Capoeira in Madison, Wisconsin through development of high-quality training opportunities, professional performance groups, and community culture and education programs. As a registered non-profit organization, Omulu Capoeira Group is specifically dedicated to promoting capoeira education as a tool to empower adults, children, and adolescents.
Who can participate in your classes?
There’s something for everyone within Capoeira: music, dance, culture, acrobatics, flexibility, strength, mobility, coordination, fluidity of movement, creativity, collaboration, and the list goes on.
Our youth classes are open to kids 8-12. Depending on individual students’ interest and abilities, they may also participate in our teen/adult classes to further their training. We also offer beginner youth classes through MSCR for ages 5-11. Our teen/adult classes are open to anyone age 13 and above; we currently have students ages 14-47 training together. Registration for all classes offered at MYArts can be found on our website (www.madisoncapoeira.org) and social media. The first Wednesday of every month we offer a free foundations of capoeira class for teens and adults.
Do your classes ever perform publicly?
YES – We love doing workshops and/or performances for large or small groups. Our biggest performance each year happens in February when the Madison Brazilian community comes together to celebrate Brazilian Carnaval at the Majestic Theater. Our next performance is at the Monroe Street Festival on Saturday, September 9th.
Learn more about Omulu Capoeira Madison by visiting their website!
Welcoming Omulu Capoeira Classes for kids and adults August 2023 We caught up with Faith Hoenecke, Kelly Schumann, and Eric Wallin of Omulu Capoiera to tell us about the newest group rehearsing regularly at MYArts, Omulu Capoiera. Check out our interview below! Tell us about the origins of Omulu Capoeira, what is Capoeira in general? […]